Saturday, August 14, 2010

Exam...Dun so Triad...

Exam lo...
So triad lo...
Today also got school..
Why got school?
Because ''Ganti'' Hari Raya Day..
Today Exam Bahasa Melayu..
Today no mood lo...
When I see the exam paper..
The 1st paper...
The word make me Sleeping... Z_Z
So that time I sleeping a half time..
The 2nd paper I also make me sleeping...
How can I do?
Sleeping again...
When I Exam I saw some one...
She got come?
She got come le...
I tough she no come today...
Today she say she want past up she ''Projet Foil''..
I think now she very triad...
Because she doing projet foil and some time..
School rest time i think she no eat ''gua''...
Now exam time...
I think she don't want eat ''gua''...
I every rest time want give she bread and milk...
(If got milk i buy for you.. If milk is empty I buy other you..)
Dun say you Don Want o... ^ ^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Triad? Or Tire? LoL!